Appointments There is no appointment system for outpatient visits. The patients may enter the hospital any time during working hours. Working hours 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, from Saturday through Thursday for new patients and patients who have previously registered. Out-patient procedures The patients undergo a comprehensive eye examination. The procedure includes dilation and other necessary tests, which are prescribed according to the condition of the patient's eye. It may take 2 to 3 hours for a complete eye examination. If the patient is experiencing major complications, the examination may require a full day at the hospital. Any patient who enters the hospital for the first time is called a new patient; any further visit by the same patient will be recorded as a review visit. For new patients When new patients enter GHS hospitals for an eye check-up, they undergo the following procedures: At the registration counters...
- The patient gets the information card from the enquiry counter at the entrance of the hospital, completes the card, and returns it to the new registration counter. The patient's details are entered in the computer.
- The patient is charged BDT. 100 as a consultation fee, payable at the new registration counter. The consultation fee is valid for 90 days from the day of last payment, within which time one more visits can be made without any further consultation fee. After 2 consecutive visits, the patients will have to pay the consultation fee again.
- The patient is provided with an "identification card." This card records the medical record number, date of first visit, and the patient's name and address. The patients must bring their ID card each time they visit the hospital.
- The patient record (case sheet) is created when the patient registers at the counter. The patient's medical record is retained at the hospital.
Preliminary vision testing
- The patient is sent with his case sheet for preliminary vision testing.
- After the preliminary vision test, the patient is escorted to the examination area.
The patient is first examined by a doctor. Any of the following tests that are required are then conducted:
- Refraction
- Intraocular pressure measurement
- Duct examination
- Blood pressure and urine sugar test
- Slit lamp bio-microscopy examination
- Dilatation
- Lab investigations
- Finally, the senior medical officer examines the patient. If the doctor suspects that the patient has any complication, the patient is sent to the respective specialty clinic (retina, glaucoma, uvea, orbit & oculoplasty, neuro-ophthalmology or cornea), depending on the nature of complication. If the patient has refractive error he is given a prescription for glasses or medicine.
- If the patient has cataract he is sent to the counseling department with advice for surgery. The patient can clarify doubts regarding the surgery, facilities and charges. The patients willing for surgery are directed to the admission counter. Patients can reserve a date for surgery in the counseling department on any date that is convenient for them.
For review patients
- Patients must bring their ID card, which was provided to them during their first visit, to the hospital.
- Patients must register at the review registration counter.
- The patients will be asked to wait in the reception area. As soon as the case sheet is retrieved, the patients will be called by the public announcement system and escorted to the respective clinics or units as recorded in the case sheet.
- The other outpatient procedures for review patients are similar to those for new outpatients.
IN PATIENTS PROCEDURE The date of surgery is confirmed according to the patient's convenience. The patient may select any type of available room. The patient may also decide, after consultation with the doctor, how long the postoperative stay should be. But in the GHS hospitals most of cataract surgery performed on DAY CARE i.e. patients comes in the morning on theĀ day of surgery and leaves before launch on the someday of surgery. Some patients of septic surgery may stay one or two days. The length varies according to the condition of the patient. Admission and discharge procedures
- When the patient is ready to undergo surgery, patient is counseled in the general counseling department.
- The patient is then directed to the admission counter where the full charge must be paid in advance. The patient gives consent for surgery at the time of admission. The inpatient record, continuation sheet and operation notes are attached to the patient's case sheet. The patient is assigned a room at the admission counter.
- The patient is sent to the respective ward duty room along with case sheet.
- In the ward, the MLOP of IP enters the details of admission in the register and escorted the patient the assigned room.
- Preoperative counseling is done before the surgery.
- After surgery, the ward nurse visits every postoperative patient and gives the essential instructions.
- The patient is discharged as per the instructions given by the doctor.
- Discharge summary is given to the patient at the time of discharge. Review date is assigned for follow-up of the eye condition.
Amenities Canteen facilities are available at the hospital. Food and snacks can be purchased there at nominal charges. The inpatients may also place orders with the hospital catering department for lunch, which will be provided in the room. The order may be placed with the catering staff, who come to the ward room every morning. Visiting hours Patient's guests are allowed to visit. They should not bring children or persons with infectious diseases with them. They are not allowed to cook in the wardrooms. More than one attendant is not permitted to stay with the patients expect elderly old and both eye blind patients.